24 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone sex scene

Mükemmel çok ateşli bir sevişme sahnesi [SEKS]

Ofiste Ateşli Sevişme Sahnesi

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Canadian Lesbians Kiss & Have Sex on Play Bed


Paris Hilton - Construction Worker



Ben Ankara dan Gülden 33 yaşında evli 2 çocuk annesi birisiyim geçen sene tek çocuğumuz vardı ailece kazan tarafına pikniğe gitmiştik ortam güzeldi mangalı falan yaktık eşim siz oturun burada ben bira alıp geliyorum dedi bizi bıraktı orda yanımıza bir araba durdu üç tane adam vardı arabada bira içiyorlardı bana laf atmaya başladılar of göte bak kim attı seni buruya kocam gelecek defolun buradan dedim çok sarhoşlardı arabadan inip karşımda işiyorlardı ne yapacağımı şaşırdım tam o sırada kocam geldi bağırmaya başladı onlara arabaya bindiler tam gideceklerdi ki geri döndü geldiler eşime abi çok özür dileriz biz yanlış anladık ne olur kusura bakma falan demeye başladılar korkum geçmişti biraz elini eşime uzattı diğeri eşimin kafasına bira şişesiyle vurdu bayılttı ben bağırmaya başladım ama nafile kimse duyamazdı bizi orada eşimi ağaca bağladılar çocuk arabada uyuyordu bana saldırmaya başladılar yemenimi ne çıkardılar birini tutsam ikisi ne bir şey yapamıyorum amımda götümde memelerimde her yerimde bir el vardı zorla dudaklarımdan öpmeye başladılar üstümü komple yırttılar yere yatırdılar beni birisi amımı yalamaya başladı diğeri memelerimi emiyor ben sessiz ce ağlıyorum eşim uyandı o sıra tam karşımdaydı adamlara yalvarıyor yapmayın falan ama kimin sikinde adamlar bulmuşlar beni sikmeden bırakır mı beni istemeye istemeye amımı yalayan adam zevke getirdi ama eşim karşıdan izliyor nasıl zevk aldığımı belli ederim gözlerimi kapadım artık zevk alıyordum amıma zorladığını hissetim amıma soktu ama nasıl irkildim biraz sikti amımı diğerleri memelerimi yalıyor dudaklarımdan öpüyordu durmadan yalamadık yerimi bırakmadılar kocam nasıl bagrıyor ara sıra gidip susturup gelip beni sikmeye devam ediyorlar amım dan siken adam beni kucaklayıp ters döndü o altta kaldı siki hala amımda idi götümü yalamaya başladılar göt deliğimi parmaklıyor off ne sikerim ben bunu sesi geliyordu arkadan siktirmek istemiyordum adam Altan amıma sokup çıkarıyordu öyle bir boşaldımki ömrümde hiç böyle boşalmadım uyuştum kaldım tecavüz çok zevkli idi eşim gelmeden yapsalardı keşke birirsi hiç durmadan götümü yalıyordu alttaki boşalmaya niyeti yoktu bacaklarını yerde ayırmış bende tam sikinin üzerindeyim göt deliğime yarak girmeye başladı ben nasıl bağrıyorum oda benim üzerime yattı hem amımda hem götümde yarak vardı canım felaket yanıyordu ama amımdan siken boynumu nasıl yalıyordu üstüne sıfır yatıyorum bende amımı siken garip sesle çıkararak Altan bacaklarımdan kendine doğru çekerek amıma boşaldı diğeri hala gidip geliyordu götümde domalttı saçımdan tuttu öbürü ayakta 31 kahkaha ata ata 31 çekiyordu elinde de bira şişesi onun siki aşırı büyüktü eşimle zenci pornosu izlemiştim aynı öyleydi onunki o sikmez inş diyordum oda götümden sikene bağırıyor götünü iyi sik genişlesin benimki girmez demez mi ben amıma almaya cesaret edemiyordum o götten sikecek beni götten siken götüme boşaldı ben artık dayanacak gücüm kalmamıştı daha yiyeceğim koca bir yarak vardı o aldı beni biraz uzağa götürdü ben ona yalvarıyordum oda gel kızım gel şimdiye kadar böyle bir yarak görmedin ömründe diyordu kendi arabalarının camından kafamı soktu zorlarsan çocuğuna zarar verim dedi kafamı sokmadan önce sikini yalamamı istedi öbürleri yaptırmamıştı zorla ağzıma dayadı koca siki diğer ikisinin sikini toplasan bununki kadar etmezdi arabanın camından kafamı soktum domaldım göt deliğime zorluyor ama çok zordu girmesi pırtıp amıma girip çıktıkça ben havaya zıplıyor çığlıklar atıyordum ben götünden sikmiyorum seni diyip duruyor durmadan kafası girdi ama ama organlarım yerinden oynadı sanki arabadan krem falan aldı sürdü diğeri götüme boşaldığı halde yinede girmiyordu bir tüp kremi bitirdi neredeyse göt deliğim vıcık vıcık oldu artık sikinin tamamı götümdeydi kocaman yarak göt deliğim parçalandı sandım yani adama yalvarıyorum amımdan sik tek ağzıma alıyım diyorum ama o transa girmiş götte gidip geliyor başım dönmeye başladı artık yerde domalmamı istedi yerde domaldım bir ara ölüyorum sandım götümde boşaldı ben yere uzandım canımın acısından ağlıyordum götümden kan döl akıyordu resmen oda arabaya bindi kapısı açık halde kocamın çığlıkları gelmeye başladı son bir güçle kalktım oraya doğru baktım diğer ikisi kocamı götünden sikiyordu bu ne lanet bir gün dü.

THE BEST Sexy Story: Housewİfe

Somehow in the process of him leaving for the cave, he let his hands get the better of him and he ended up making exceedingly good use of all that pent up sexual energy I had been generating all day.

He got me off something fierce. And something soft. And something rough. And something kinky. And something perfect. A bunch of times.

I can only give highlights: I was in The Trance. Ravished and unaware of anything but feeling his sexy touch.

I have new appreciation for the one-person-naked-and-the-other-person-dressed sex scenario. That added some kinky flare I never expected. Not unlike my repeat fantasy of visiting Caveman in his office and him letting me remove key clothing items from him and have a really deep blowjob. I think of that every time I see him at his desk. But that's not his thing. Just mine.

A favourite erotic moment. I was insanely randy. The orgasms came really quickly but the disappointment over the speed of attaining them (I get off too fast) was dulled by the sexy, sexy intensity and sensuality of it all. At one point, Caveman is lying on his back and I am beside him. Because he is so fully dressed, my nakedness feels extra naked. He holds my legs as wide apart, as wide as they will go, using his legs as straddlers. He's very tall so it works well. I am prisoner of love. My cunt feels like the clown behind the board, where you throw wet sponges at it, and it knows one of those wet sponges is going to be big and wet and warm and hit bang on. But which one? And when?

Just the anticipation of sex, of him touching me there without being able to move, has me squirming. I place my hands behind my head to complete the tie up. I decide I will not retreat (not that I could, except to use my hands) no matter how intense it gets.

He strokes and fingers. He frequently wets his fingers with his mouth. That erotic licking sound grabs me. Makes me wish he was going down on me, giving me oral sex. His legs assert themselves to confirm I cannot move. A sudden wet something (finger, thumb?) goes up my ass and stops in that place where I get the tail buzz orgasm.

I realize the power of the tailgasm is almost opposite of an orgasm. While a clitgasm builds and climaxes, a tailgasm is a steady something of good feeling that is unwavering. And it's a matter of how much good I can stand. Lying there with my legs so wide, my pussy so open, the air blowing on me, the tail buzzing: I am ready to blow.

My tits get very hard at times like this. My nipples are insanely sensitive. Big cave hands all over right then would be heavenly. But I feel nothing but the cold air of the fan making my nipples sharp like the tips of knives.

The thumb(?) stays in the ass and other fingers roam the front. I wonder if this is what being tied up is all about? The insanely sensual / erotic feeling of being wide open, so vulnerable, and absolutely urgently craving a wild and unrelenting fucking?

At the same moment that he goes big and deep in my cunt, zeroing right in on the g-spot with all the thrust I was dying for, he starts sucking my hard tit: lapping it up. His late-day whiskers feel painfully good. Prickling through the numbness of the sexual arousal.

He fucks me like crazy. I am all too well aware of the tail feeling and I feel like my hips are floating, fleeing from the scene. I pretend my hands are tied behind my head like in a good erotic bondage story and resistance is indeed futile. The ass and pussy fucking settle down while he rattles away on the clit. I'm insanely wet and he uses my own wetness to lube up. Like the perfect psychic masturbator, he delivers the Great Clitontic O. I have been released.

I feel that great whoosh of numbness, like my whole body fits in a warm hand like a bird.

I spent years thinking of sex as a reward for when things are good. Not a release when things are not so good. And now, it's everything. It celebrates the great, heals the bad, nurses the worries, remedies the cramps, distracts from the headaches, confirms the absurd, makes a brilliant mockery of everything that weighs my heart down. But mostly just carries me away. I think I'm liking this sex stuff.

Sexo Anal Penetración (Videos Porno XXX)


When I became a horny maniac a few months ago ...

When I became a sex maniac a few months ago, I immediately worried that the Caveman might not be able to handle me - satisfy me. I didn't see that it would take time for us to really learn how to have sex together (duh!). But over these weeks of having a lot of love making and writing stories about it, we've really come along way (couldn't resist the pun).

Every time we have sex it's a little different, a little saucier, a little sexier: sometimes because it's naughtier, sometimes because it's gentler, and always because it's starting to feel completely unscripted. By writing these sex stories, I figure out what I like, what I want more of, what rocks my housewyfely world. And the Caveman seems to really be getting his groove on, instinctively knowing how to completely turn me on and get me off.

I think that's how and why I ended up with his big toe in my pussy the other night. I love that spontaneous kind of weirdity.

And I would have loved some of that last night but my saucy teaser boy was busy working. AGAIN. But don't worry. I got through it. After reading some erotic sex blogs yesterday by other women who also feel like their libidos are about seventeen stories higher than their husbands can climb, I realized that I will do myself a big favour if I really stop depending on my husband so much for my own sexual pleasure.

There's been a lot of sex toy-shopping talk going on, and I'm going to figure out how to get that done this week. And I'm also going to send myself to Masturbation Improvement School. I'm sure I can be doing better by making use of all that lovely sexual tension that Caveman tosses my way.

Last night I did Lesson One: Erotic Anal Pleasure. I learned that a very-well lubed slender object inserted in the ass is a tremendous asset to the clit orgasm. Holy jeez, Louise. I am totally digging the anal sex thing. It gives this constant deliciously good feeling, unlike clit or g-spot stimulation which rises and falls for me (which is it's own good thing but not this good thing). If I gently move the ass insert while putting the vibrator around my clit and vagina: BING BOOM BANG. A stellar orgasm if there ever was one. I was fabulous if I do say so myself. And I will still love me in the morning.

I felt so good afterward that I cleaned up and got right into bed to go to sleep. Wishful thinking. And after about 4 minutes I wanted it all again. LOL. The sexual desire was overwhelming. There would be no sleep for me until I burned off a little more lust. I would have paid serious money to have the Caveman show up right then and take me from behind. Any available opening, I wouldn't have cared. Except we haven't had anal sex (penetration with his penis) yet, so we have some slow and gentle, highly-lubed practice to do first. Oh, so much to look forward to, so many sexy stories to write!

I made due with my fingers penetrating and a generous helping of Astroglide. Hail Astroglide! The second orgasm was so brilliantly intense that I was able to fall asleep before my inner devil begged for more sex. A full night's sleep is a perimenopausal women's dream.

And look, I got through my whole erotic sex story here without blushing or deleting. That's another great step for this woman kind. I'm horny all over again, but it is a new day ...



There are two kinds of eunuchs, those that are disguised as males, and those that are disguised as females. Eunuchs disguised as females imitate their dress, speech, gestures, tenderness, timidity, simplicity, softness and bashfulness. The acts that are done on the jaghana or middle parts of women, are done in the mouths of these eunuchs, and this is called Auparishtaka. These eunuchs derive their imaginable pleasure, and their livelihood from this kind of congress, and they lead the life of courtesans. So much concerning eunuchs disguised as females.

Eunuchs disguised as males keep their desires secret, and when they wish to do anything they lead the life of shampooers. Under the pretence of shampooing, a eunuch of this kind embraces and draws towards himself the thighs of the man whom he is shampooing, and after this he touches the joints of his thighs and his jaghana, or central portions of his body. Then, if he finds the lingam of the man erect, he presses it with his hands and chaffs him for getting into that state. If after this, and after knowing his intention, the man does not tell the eunuch to proceed, then the latter does it of his own accord and begins the congress. If however he is ordered by the man to do it, then he disputes with him, and only consents at last with difficulty.

The following eight things are then done by the eunuch (fellatio) one after the other:

The nominal congress
Biting the sides
Pressing outside
Pressing inside
Sucking a mango fruit
Swallowing up

At the end of each of these, the eunuch expresses his wish to stop, but when one of them is finished, the man desires him to do another, and after that is done, then the one that follows it, and so on.

When, holding the man's lingam (penis) with his hand, and placing it between his lips, the eunuch moves about his mouth, it is called the 'nominal congress'.

When, covering the end of the lingam with his fingers collected together like the bud of a plant or flower, the eunuch presses the sides of it with his lips, using his teeth also, it is called 'biting the sides'.

When, being desired to proceed, the eunuch presses the end of the lingam with his lips closed together, and kisses it as if he were drawing it out, it is called the 'outside pressing'.

When, being asked to go on, he puts the lingam further into his mouth, and presses it with his lips and then takes it out, it is called the 'inside pressing'.

When, holding the lingam in his hand, the eunuch kisses it as if he were kissing the lower lip, it is called 'kissing'.

When, after kissing it, he touches it with his tongue everywhere, and passes the tongue over the end of it, it is called 'rubbing'.

When, in the same way, he puts the half of it into his mouth, and forcibly kisses and sucks it, this is called 'sucking a mango fruit'.

And lastly, when, with the consent of the man, the eunuch puts the whole lingam into his mouth, and presses it to the very end, as if he were going to swallow it up, it is called 'swallowing up'.

Striking, scratching, and other things may also be done during this kind of congress.

The Auparishtaka (fellatio) is practiced also by unchaste and wanton women, female attendants and serving maids, i.e. those who are not married to anybody, but who live by shampooing.

The Acharyas (i.e. ancient and venerable authors) are of opinion that this Auparishtaka is the work of a dog and not of a man, because it is a low practice, and opposed to the orders of the Holy Writ, and because the man himself suffers by bringing his lingam into contact with the mouths of eunuchs and women. But Vatsyayana says that the orders of the Holy Writ do not affect those who resort to courtesans, and the law prohibits the practice of the Auparishtaka with married women only. As regards the injury to the male, that can be easily remedied.

The people of Eastern India do not resort to women who practice the Auparishtaka.

The people of Ahichhatra resort to such women, but do nothing with them, so far as the mouth is concerned.

The people of Saketa do with these women every kind of mouth congress, while the people of Nagara do not practice this, but do every other thing.

The people of the Shurasena country, on the southern bank of the Jumna, do everything without any hesitation, for they say that women being naturally unclean, no one can be certain about their character, their purity, their conduct, their practices, their confidences, or their speech. They are not however on this account to be abandoned, because religious law, on the authority of which they are reckoned pure, lays down that the udder of a cow is clean at the time of milking, though the mouth of a cow, and also the mouth of her calf, are considered unclean by the Hindoos. Again a dog is clean when he seizes a deer in hunting, though food touched by a dog is otherwise considered very unclean. A bird is clean when it causes a fruit to fall from a tree by pecking at it, though things eaten by crows and other birds are considered unclean. And the mouth of a woman is clean for kissing and such like things at the time of sexual intercourse. Vatsyayana moreover thinks that in all these things connected with love, everybody should act according to the custom of his country, and his own inclination.

There are also the following verses on the subject:

'The male servants of some men carry on the mouth congress with their masters. It is also practiced by some citizens, who know each other well, among themselves. Some women of the harem, when they are amorous, do the acts of the mouth on the yonis of one another, and some men do the same thing with women. The way of doing this (i.e. of kissing the yoni) should be known from kissing the mouth.

When a man and woman lie down in an inverted order, i.e. with the head of the one towards the feet of the other and carry on this congress, it is called the "congress of a crow".'

For the sake of such things courtesans abandon men possessed of good qualities, liberal and clever, and become attached to low persons, such as slaves and elephant drivers. The Auparishtaka, or mouth congress, should never be done by a learned Brahman, by a minister that carries on the business of a state, or by a man of good reputation, because though the practice is allowed by the Shastras, there is no reason why it should be carried on, and need only be practiced in particular cases. As for instance, the taste, and the strength, and the digestive qualities of the flesh of dogs are mentioned in works on medicine, but it does not therefore follow that it should be eaten by the wise. In the same way there are some men, some places and some times, with respect to which these practices can be made use of. A man should therefore pay regard to the place, to the time, and to the practice which is to be carried out, as also as to whether it is agreeable to his nature and to himself, and then he may or may not practice these things according to circumstances. But after all, these things being done secretly, and the mind of the man being fickle, how can it be known what any person will do at any particular time and for any particular purpose.

Ön Sevişme Nasıl Yapılır ?

                  8 Erotik Tüyo

Hormonal Cennet

Hatunların adet kanaması başlayınca deliye döner, üzülürüz. Fakat 

üzülmek yerine onların adet dönemiyle yakından ilgilenirseniz, bir aşk 

makinesini yoktan var etmiş olursunuz. Gelin bu dönemi birlikte 

inceleyelim. Adet kanamasından itibaren saymaya başlayın. 10. gün cinsel 

organınız bayram edebilir çünkü hatunların östrojen seviyesi yumurtlama 

öncesi en tepeye ulaşıyor. Kısacası düz duvara tırmanmaya başlıyorlar. 

Saldırın! 14. gün hatunlar hamile kalmaya hazırdır çünkü yumurtlama 

zamanı gelmiştir. Sakın korunmayı unutmayın! 18. gün artan dokunma 

hormonu deli gibi seks yapmayı kamçılar.

Orgazmik diyet

Tornayı kolunuza asın, alışverişe çıkıyorsunuz. İstiridye, kaşar peyniri, buğday 

ekmeği, bira mayası ve ay çekirdeği almadan eve dönmeyin! Bu saydıklarımızın 

içinde fosfor var. Bu mucizevi minerallerle dolu yiyecekleri hatuna yedirin. 

Ayrıca vitaminlerini ( B, E, Çinko, D) düzenli alsın. O almıyorsa, siz alıp içirin.

Pelvis gücü

Pelvis, leğen bölgesi kaslarının adıdır. Sizin ve hatunun pelvik kasları ne kadar

sıkı olursa, seks esnasında gerginleşmeniz ve vücudunuzdan en son zevk

damlasının sıkarak çıkartılması mümkün olacaktır. Kaslarını iyi kullanmayı

öğrenen hatun, sizin daha fazla zevk almanızı sağlar. Bunun için hatunun idrar

 sırasında kas egzersizleri yapması işe yarar. (İdrarını yarıda keserek tutmak,

kasları geliştiriyor.)

Seks tüyosu

Hatuna yine önemli bir iş düşüyor. Yatağa girmeden evvel her tarafı gül 

yaprakları ile süsleyin. Gül yaprakları, terli vücutlarınızın arasında ezilecek 

ve ilişkinize harika kokular kadar renk de katacaktır.

Uyuyan Prens

Biraz uyuyun. Bir Amerikan uyku merkezi tarafından yapılan araştırmada, 

bir gece önce geç yatan erkeklerin, ertesi gün cinsel ilişkiye girmede biraz 

isteksiz oldukları belirlenmiştir. Hadi yatağa, ama bu sefer uyumak için!

Gıdı gıdı gıdı…

Sevgilinizin genital bölgesini gıdıklayın. Ön forniks alanı olarak da bilinen 

bu bölge, vajinanın ön duvarında, G noktası ile rahim boyu arasında 

yumuşak, pelte gibi bir yumrudur. Bu sıcak nokta, kadını çıldırtabilir. Ön 

sevişmeye gerek duymayan erkekler, sadece bu bölgeyi gıdıklayarak 

başarılı olabilir.

Isı fantezisi

Sıcaklık, kan damarlarının genişleyip daralmasını sağladığı için heyecanı 

artırır. Birbirinizin sıcak derisi üzerinde buz gezdirin veya yattığınız 

çarşaflara buz gibi soğuk su sıkın.

Haydi lunaparka

Kamikaze’ye veya balerine binin ya da ödünüzün kopmasına neden olan 

herhangi bir oyuncağa… Psikolog Dr. Judy Kuriansky tarafından Florida’daki 

eğlence parkında yürütülen bir araştırmaya göre; midenizi alt üst eden 

deneyimler, vücudumuzun bol miktarda adrenalin ve endorfin 

salgılamasına neden olmaktadır. Bu hormonlar da kendinizi daha şehvetli 

hissetmenize neden olmaktadır